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Playa del Mar is wraught with talent! Among our diverse resident population are members willing to volunteer their time, effort and energy (and sometimes resources) to help organize our home, maintain and improve our building, enhance our lifestyle and add dimension to our lives. Some of our neighbors strive to collect information about events that touch Playa del Mar residents and make it available to everyone. The Playa del Mar Newsletter is the product of their efforts. Recent News, current events, important information and relevant issues are blended with whimsy to make the Newsletter informative, compelling and enjoyable.

The information in every Newsletter reflects the issues and concerns faced by Playa del Mar residents at the time of publication. As such, the Newsletter Archives represent a chronological history of our Association. To investigate the initial source of some current dilemma, retrace some issue to its inception, verify past Association concerns or simply stroll down memory lane, click on the issue that piques your interest... and enjoy!

Return of the PDM Newsletter

Former Newsletter Publisher Phyllis Carter
Former Publisher
Phyllis Carter
After 5 years of offering her neighbors a regular and independent source of information about their home, former PDM Newsletter publisher Phyllis Carter decided to retire. In 2009, a new administration threatened to withdraw support for the newsletter unless its volunteer unit owners relinquished complete control of the content. While Newsletter pioneers Phyllis Carter, Barbara Mancuso, Linda Eidinger and others openly worked with previous PDM boards to equitably balance each edition, they refused to disguise propaganda as news while purposefully burying the truth. Hoping to strike a balance between a hostile administration and their obligation to the unit owners, newsletter staffers continued publishing until the Spring of 2010 before throwing in the towel. Since it is far easier to control a largely ignorant constituency, it is not unusual for self-serving administrations to seek control or elimination of independent association newsletters and/or websites.

Former PDM Board Member Fred Nesbitt
Former PDM Board
Member Fred Nesbitt
Former PDM Newsletter Staffer Scott Bond
Scott Bond
However, recent changes in the current Board's philosophical and operational dynamic has cleared the way to reviving an independent Newsletter. A former PDM Board member who serves on the Galt Mile Community Association Board of Directors and the City of Fort Lauderdale Budget Advisory Board, longtime PDM resident Fred Nesbitt stepped to the plate. Drawing on his experience as a former contributer to the PDM newsletter, Nesbitt - with the technological assistance of former PDM Newsletter staffer Scott Bond - composed the Autumn 2011 as well as the January, June, October 2012 along with the February, July and October 2013 PDM Newsletters. Nesbitt also serves on the PDM board. Make no mistake - while he has created an excellent association journal, Fred would appreciate help. No experience necessary... just a functional moral compass!

Playa del Mar Newsletter Staff
 Fred Nesbitt
Unit 2115
Newsletter Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide a newsletter that will be up to date and be a consistent source of information to Playa del Mar residents. We communicate regularly with the Board of Directors, share current issues, provide progress reports and stimulate interest in activities at the Playa del Mar.
This is your Newsletter! We value your opinions, ideas and concerns. In fact, if you submit them to the office in person, by phone/fax or send them via the email link below, we can share them with everyone! In addition to your association concerns and ideas for future articles, we seek your input about past and current articles in the Newsletter.

It has been difficult to stage social functions because of the ongoing construction, limited use of the pool, restricted parking, leaks in the garage, dust and debris hazards - but this will soon come to an end. We are now seeking volunteers for committees. We have many new owners who, while awaiting an opportunity to meet their neighbor’s in a social environment, could also do so by participating in a PDM committee.


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Playa del Mar October 2013 Newsletter

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Newsletter Archives

Click on Monthly Issue Date Below to Select Desired Newsletter!
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February July October
January June October
Winter Spring
Winter Spring Summer Fall
January April July Fall (October)
  April Special Report   Fall Insert
January April July October
February April July October

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Playa del Mar

3900 Galt Ocean Drive - Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
(954) 561-0990 - Fax: (954) 563-9239